Home of the Raiders

Bellefonte Area High School

Girls Junior High Soccer


Number Name Position Year Height Weight
26 Paige Baker MF 2030
23 Elizabeth Brezler FOR 2029
8 Emily Culley FOR 2029
21 Peyton Gates DEF 2030
19 Amaris Gonzalez DEF 2030
11 Claire Halterman MF 2030
4 Kaylee Knepp MF 2029
3 Natalie Kulago FOR 2030
14 Juniper Ondrasik FOR 2029
22 Isabella Oravis FOR, GK 2030
7 Piper Rock DEF 2029
10 Trinity Semack FOR 2029
18 Kathryn Spotts DEF 2030
35 Adelina Zanzalari FOR 2030
30 Ayla Zanzalari FOR 2030
27 Cayley Zimmerman DEF, GK 2030
* Denotes Captain | # Denotes Manager
